Wednesday, September 7, 2011

I-d Uk Fashion Magazine No. 214 October 2001 (COVER STAR: BRIDGET HALL, ANOTHER POP FASHION ISSUE)

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This book is the collaborative effort of two authors: Jacqui Gilbert and Bridget Hall. Jacqui is the channel for the Light Beings, Osiris, Isis and Thoth. Their channelled communciations are transcribed verbatim and discussed in this book. Although none of these great Beings of Light have been heard from for many years, they are now ready to deliver knowledge and information to humanity - in support of our upliftment at this time of change on Earth. Our understanding about what has happened on Earth as opposed to what was supposed to happen, in terms of humanity's enLightenment, lies at th heart of the success of the new wave of consciousness that is enveloping all people. It is this expansion of our awareness that is supporting us to get back on track and move forwards towards enLightenment. Part of this process involves the current catastrophic Earth ! events such as earthquakes and tsunamis. The Angelic Light Beings help us to understand why this is a necessary part of our growth and how to stay safe by tapping into the vibrations of the Earth. Almost unbelievably, we learn that we can reach the heights of spirituality whilst remaining physically alive. This describes the process of Livng Ascension which the Light Beings teach us about. We can transcend the difficult lessons of the Wheel of Karma which have dogged our lifetimes for many thousands of years to date - as detailed by the extent of the Mayan Calendar. To this end, we morph ourselves into a state of spiritualised physicality - by expanding our perceptual ability beyond the current 4th dimenson of physical reality - to make the 5th dimension of spiritual reality relevant in our physical lives on Earth. The alternative is not even worth considering: that we continue on a lowered resonance Earth, in the 3rd or 4th dimension, for another long cycle of learn! ing. As we make conscious spiritual progress we begin to un! derstand the immense importance of living at this special time on Earth. Each one of us, as souls, chose to be here at the end of this long 5 125 year cycle, and each one of us has an important role to play to support the progress of humanity and Earth. As we learn more about heart-centred living we help to mitigate the severity of the Earth shifts of the next few years - although they will continue to happen. Once we pass through this difficult period we will experience the Golden Age on Earth that has been spoken of. This promise of a glorious new reality makes the relatively difficult present times on Earth worthwhile and bearable. The next book in this series details the teachings of Isis. They support us in our quest for love, abundance, healing and balance.APRIL 2004 ISSUEOF GLAMOUR MAGAZINE. THE COVER FEATURES MODEL BRIDGET HALL. OTHER ARTICLES FEATURE "MEN'S SEXUAL WISH LIST", "A FLATTER BELLY", "200 BEST DO'S AND DON'TS OF ALL TIME" AND MORE.UK MAGAZINE

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