Tuesday, November 29, 2011


  • Footloose
  • Dianne Wiest
  • John Lithgow
  • Kevin Bacon
  • Lori Singer
Footloose jumps with spirit, dazzling dance numbers and an electrifying musical score. It portrays the timeless struggle between innocent pleasure and rigid morality, when city-boy Ren McCormick (Kevin Bacon) finds himself in an uptight Midwestern town where dancing has been banned. Ren revolts with best friend Willard (Chris Penn) and the minister's daughter (Lori Singer). A treasury of Top 10 songs-Kenny Loggins "Footloose," Shalamar "Dancing In The Sheets," Deniece Williams "Let's Hear It For The Boy," Bonnie Tyler "Holding Out for A Hero," and the Footloose love theme, "Almost Paradise."Footloose jumps with spirit, dazzling dance numbers and an electrifying musical score. It portrays the timeless struggle between innocent pleasure and rigid morality, when city-boy Ren McCormick (K! evin Bacon) finds himself in an uptight Midwestern town where dancing has been banned. Ren revolts with best friend Willard (Chris Penn) and the minister's daughter (Lori Singer). A treasury of Top 10 songs-Kenny Loggins "Footloose," Shalamar "Dancing In The Sheets," Deniece Williams "Let's Hear It For The Boy," Bonnie Tyler "Holding Out for A Hero," and the Footloose love theme, "Almost Paradise."Director Herbert Ross (The Turning Point) pulled a winning movie out of this almost self-consciously archetypal tale of teenage rock rebellion. Kevin Bacon stars as a hip city kid who ends up in a Bible-belt town after his parents divorce. An ill fit for a conservative community where rock is frowned upon and dancing is forbidden, Bacon's character rallies the kids and takes on the establishment. Between a good cast really embracing the drama of Dean Pitchford's screenplay, and Ross's imaginative, highly charged way of shooting the dance numbers, you can get lost in this al! l-ages confection, and you won't even mind Kenny Loggins's bub! bly pop. Bonuses include one of John Lithgow's best performances (a bit reminiscent of Jimmy Stewart), and Christopher Penn (who sure doesn't look the same anymore) as a good-natured hick who learns to boogie. --Tom Keogh FOOTLOOSE: Footloose jumps with spirit, dazzling dance numbers and an electrifying musical score. It portrays the timeless struggle between innocent pleasure and rigid morality, when city-boy Ren McCormick (Kevin Bacon) finds himself in an uptight Midwestern town where dancing has been banned. Ren revolts with best friend Willard (Chris Penn) and the minister's daughter (Lori Singer). A treasury of Top 10 songs-Kenny Loggins "Footloose," Shalamar "Dancing In The Sheets," Deniece Williams "Let's Hear It For The Boy," Bonnie Tyler "Holding Out for A Hero," and the Footloose love theme, "Almost Paradise." FLASHDANCE: A hit movie that became a cultural sensation, Flashdance delivers an electrifying mix of music, drama and dance that dazzles the senses as it to! uches the heart. Jennifer Beals stars as Alex Owens, a fiercely determined 18-year-old with one all-consuming dream: to study at the Pittsburgh Conservatory of Dance. Working during the day as a welder and at night as an exotic dancer. Alex bravely pursues her dream, undertaking an unforgettable journey that reveals the power of her convictions and teaches her the meaning of love. Directed by Adrian Lyne (Fatal Attraction, 9 ½ Weeks) and featuring the Oscar â€"winning song "Flashdanceâ€"What a Feeling," Flashdance is sparkling entertainment.Studio: Paramount Home Video Release Date: 09/27/2011 Run time: 107 minutes Rating: PgFootloose jumps with spirit, dazzling dance numbers and an electrifying musical score. It portrays the timeless struggle between innocent pleasure and rigid morality, when city-boy Ren McCormick (Kevin Bacon) finds himself in an uptight Midwestern town where dancing has been banned. Ren revolts with best friend Willard (Chris Penn) and the ! minister's daughter (Lori Singer). A treasury of Top 10 songs-! Kenny Lo ggins "Footloose," Shalamar "Dancing In The Sheets," Deniece Williams "Let's Hear It For The Boy," Bonnie Tyler "Holding Out for A Hero," and the Footloose love theme, "Almost Paradise."Director Herbert Ross (The Turning Point) pulled a winning movie out of this almost self-consciously archetypal tale of teenage rock rebellion. Kevin Bacon stars as a hip city kid who ends up in a Bible-belt town after his parents divorce. An ill fit for a conservative community where rock is frowned upon and dancing is forbidden, Bacon's character rallies the kids and takes on the establishment. Between a good cast really embracing the drama of Dean Pitchford's screenplay, and Ross's imaginative, highly charged way of shooting the dance numbers, you can get lost in this all-ages confection, and you won't even mind Kenny Loggins's bubbly pop. Bonuses include one of John Lithgow's best performances (a bit reminiscent of Jimmy Stewart), and Christopher Penn (who sure doesn't look the sam! e anymore) as a good-natured hick who learns to boogie. --Tom Keogh Japanese only paper sleeve pressing includes four bonus tracks. Sony. 2009.There's a popular movie trivia game called Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon whose rough hypothesis is that the actor is somehow the center of the cinematic universe. One doesn't get very far into the game without encountering Footloose. The film that seems destined to become an 80's camp classic (repressed Midwestern youth bravely fighting for their right to dance) was also a notable trailblazer in the pop song soundtrack marketing scam, i.e. line up a bunch of contemporary hit makers and have them cut a batch of songs that might not be germaine to the film's plot but will sell oodles of units. But damned if Footloose isn't a classic slice--for better or worse--of mid-'80s, album-oriented rock. This kind of instant era-compilation must make the folks at K-Tel very nervous. --Jerry McCulley Footloose ! jumps with spirit, dazzling dance numbers and an electrif! ying mu sical score. It portrays the timeless struggle between innocent pleasure and rigid morality, when city-boy Ren McCormick (Kevin Bacon) finds himself in an uptight Midwestern town where dancing has been banned. Ren revolts with best friend Willard (Chris Penn) and the minister's daughter (Lori Singer).

A treasury of Top 10 songs: Kenny Loggins' "Footloose," Shalamar's "Dancing In The Sheets," Deniece Williams's "Let's Hear It For The Boy," Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out for A Hero," and the Footloose love theme, "Almost Paradise."Footloose jumps with spirit, dazzling dance numbers and an electrifying musical score. It portrays the timeless struggle between innocent pleasure and rigid morality, when city-boy Ren McCormick (Kevin Bacon) finds himself in an uptight Midwestern town where dancing has been banned. Ren revolts with best friend Willard (Chris Penn) and the minister's daughter (Lori Singer). A treasury of Top 10 songs-Kenny Loggins "Footloose,! " Shalamar "Dancing In The Sheets," Deniece Williams "Let's Hear It For The Boy," Bonnie Tyler "Holding Out for A Hero," and the Footloose love theme, "Almost Paradise."Director Herbert Ross (The Turning Point) pulled a winning movie out of this almost self-consciously archetypal tale of teenage rock rebellion. Kevin Bacon stars as a hip city kid who ends up in a Bible-belt town after his parents divorce. An ill fit for a conservative community where rock is frowned upon and dancing is forbidden, Bacon's character rallies the kids and takes on the establishment. Between a good cast really embracing the drama of Dean Pitchford's screenplay, and Ross's imaginative, highly charged way of shooting the dance numbers, you can get lost in this all-ages confection, and you won't even mind Kenny Loggins's bubbly pop. Bonuses include one of John Lithgow's best performances (a bit reminiscent of Jimmy Stewart), and Christopher Penn (who sure doesn't look the same anymore) as a ! good-natured hick who learns to boogie. --Tom Keogh Genr e: Feature Film-Drama
Rating: PG
Release Date: 5-AUG-2008
Media Type: DVDFootloose jumps with spirit, dazzling dance numbers and an electrifying musical score. It portrays the timeless struggle between innocent pleasure and rigid morality, when city-boy Ren McCormick (Kevin Bacon) finds himself in an uptight Midwestern town where dancing has been banned. Ren revolts with best friend Willard (Chris Penn) and the minister's daughter (Lori Singer). A treasury of Top 10 songs-Kenny Loggins "Footloose," Shalamar "Dancing In The Sheets," Deniece Williams "Let's Hear It For The Boy," Bonnie Tyler "Holding Out for A Hero," and the Footloose love theme, "Almost Paradise."Director Herbert Ross (The Turning Point) pulled a winning movie out of this almost self-consciously archetypal tale of teenage rock rebellion. Kevin Bacon stars as a hip city kid who ends up in a Bible-belt town after his parents divorce. An ill fit for a conservativ! e community where rock is frowned upon and dancing is forbidden, Bacon's character rallies the kids and takes on the establishment. Between a good cast really embracing the drama of Dean Pitchford's screenplay, and Ross's imaginative, highly charged way of shooting the dance numbers, you can get lost in this all-ages confection, and you won't even mind Kenny Loggins's bubbly pop. Bonuses include one of John Lithgow's best performances (a bit reminiscent of Jimmy Stewart), and Christopher Penn (who sure doesn't look the same anymore) as a good-natured hick who learns to boogie. --Tom Keogh Director Herbert Ross ("The Turning Point") pulled a winning movie out of this almost self-consciously archetypal tale of teenage rock rebellion. Kevin Bacon stars as a hip city kid who ends up in a Bible-belt town after his parents divorce. An ill fit for a conservative community where rock is frowned upon and dancing is forbidden, Bacon's character rallies the kids and takes on th! e establishment. Between a good cast really embracing the dram! a of Dea n Pitchford's screenplay, and Ross's imaginative, highly charged way of shooting the dance numbers, you can get lost in this all-ages confection, and you won't even mind Kenny Loggins's bubbly pop. Bonuses include one of John Lithgow's best performances (a bit reminiscent of Jimmy Stewart), and Christopher Penn (who sure doesn't look the same anymore) as a good-natured hick who learns to boogie. "--Tom Keogh"Footloose jumps with spirit, dazzling dance numbers and an electrifying musical score. It portrays the timeless struggle between innocent pleasure and rigid morality, when city-boy Ren McCormick (Kevin Bacon) finds himself in an uptight Midwestern town where dancing has been banned. Ren revolts with best friend Willard (Chris Penn) and the minister's daughter (Lori Singer). A treasury of Top 10 songs-Kenny Loggins "Footloose," Shalamar "Dancing In The Sheets," Deniece Williams "Let's Hear It For The Boy," Bonnie Tyler "Holding Out for A Hero," and the Footloose ! love theme, "Almost Paradise."Director Herbert Ross (The Turning Point) pulled a winning movie out of this almost self-consciously archetypal tale of teenage rock rebellion. Kevin Bacon stars as a hip city kid who ends up in a Bible-belt town after his parents divorce. An ill fit for a conservative community where rock is frowned upon and dancing is forbidden, Bacon's character rallies the kids and takes on the establishment. Between a good cast really embracing the drama of Dean Pitchford's screenplay, and Ross's imaginative, highly charged way of shooting the dance numbers, you can get lost in this all-ages confection, and you won't even mind Kenny Loggins's bubbly pop. Bonuses include one of John Lithgow's best performances (a bit reminiscent of Jimmy Stewart), and Christopher Penn (who sure doesn't look the same anymore) as a good-natured hick who learns to boogie. --Tom Keogh Footloose [VHS] [VHS Tape] (1984) Kevin Bacon; Lori Singer; John LithgowFoot! loose jumps with spirit, dazzling dance numbers and an el! ectrifyi ng musical score. It portrays the timeless struggle between innocent pleasure and rigid morality, when city-boy Ren McCormick (Kevin Bacon) finds himself in an uptight Midwestern town where dancing has been banned. Ren revolts with best friend Willard (Chris Penn) and the minister's daughter (Lori Singer). A treasury of Top 10 songs-Kenny Loggins "Footloose," Shalamar "Dancing In The Sheets," Deniece Williams "Let's Hear It For The Boy," Bonnie Tyler "Holding Out for A Hero," and the Footloose love theme, "Almost Paradise."Director Herbert Ross (The Turning Point) pulled a winning movie out of this almost self-consciously archetypal tale of teenage rock rebellion. Kevin Bacon stars as a hip city kid who ends up in a Bible-belt town after his parents divorce. An ill fit for a conservative community where rock is frowned upon and dancing is forbidden, Bacon's character rallies the kids and takes on the establishment. Between a good cast really embracing the drama of Dea! n Pitchford's screenplay, and Ross's imaginative, highly charged way of shooting the dance numbers, you can get lost in this all-ages confection, and you won't even mind Kenny Loggins's bubbly pop. Bonuses include one of John Lithgow's best performances (a bit reminiscent of Jimmy Stewart), and Christopher Penn (who sure doesn't look the same anymore) as a good-natured hick who learns to boogie. --Tom Keogh Footloose jumps with spirit, dazzling dance numbers and an electrifying musical score (five SIZZLING hit songs!) in the tradition of FLASHDANCE. It portrays the timeless struggle between innocent pleasure and rigid morality, when city-boy Ren McCormick (Kevin Bacon) finds himself in an uptight Midwestern town where dancing--and therefore all youthful joy--has been banned. Ren revolts with best friend Willard (Chris Penn) and the minister's daughter (Lori Singer). A treasury of Top 10 Songs--Kenny Loggins "Footloose," Shalamar "Dancing in the Sheets," Deniece Willi! ams "Let's Hear It For The Boy," Bonnie Tyler "Holding Out For! a Hero, " and the FOOTLOOSE love theme, "Almost Paradise."


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